Our Deposits & Investment Products
Call Accounts
The Call Accounts product is an account that serves as both Savings and a Current account. It provides access to funds at short notice and earns interest on the funds.
Fixed Deposits
This is a deposits account which helps you grow your savings with guaranteed returns. With this account, money is deposited for a fixed period during which the interest rate remains unchanged. It offers higher interest rates than an ordinary savings account.
- Tenor ranges from 3 months to 1 year. Rollover of tenors are always available.
- Loans/Advances could be obtained against Fixed Deposits.
- Interest payments could be monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.
Plan Investment
This is an investment made for specific purposes such as Retirement, Education and Projects.
Our Plan Investment Program provides inflation protected interest rates on deposits made consistently over a period of time. The objective of the planned investment is to assist depositors achieve the financial goals they set for themselves over a period of time. Investors could start with a minimum investment of GHS500 and be adding on a monthly basis an amount (to be decided by the client) to the initial deposit. The minimum period for this program is 3 years.
For your own iteration, please visit Darfin Financial Calculator .
Tiered interest rates apply to larger sums of initial deposits.